Nursery-Class IX
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Principal's Desk

Parents are the first educators of a child. In the child's sub conscious mind, observations and interactions keep getting registered to build up his or her personality traits. The immediate surroundings and society become the next influencers in shaping up the child's personality. However, parents chiefly build up the emotional - quotient part of the child's intelligence. The intellectual - quotient largely gets harnessed by the child's own interactions with society and later on, with school educators. Thus, the parents, the teachers and the society are the three pillars on which child's education is built upon.

Education is not only about studies, tests and marks. A real report card ought to reflect the child's holistic development : his strengths and constraints in every field, whether academics or extra curriculars, his intellectual as well as emotional development, his progress up the ladder of devotion, dedication, discipline, determination and self esteem, which are the stepping stones to the formation of a robust, vibrating personality.

In today's complex world of digital technology, social media and easily available electronic devices, an important requisite for children is the proper use of such tools. Addiction to online games, facebook, online chatting, distractive sites, etc is a hindrance of such mass proportions that it threatens to derail a child's academics, if not used judiciously and constructively. It becomes imperative for the school and the parents to engage the child with outdoor games, online research of topics being dealt in class and activities like drawing, craft, public speaking, debates, regular reading of newspapers, story books, listening to English news channels, Discovery channel and hold discussions with him. This would greatly enhance his self esteem and confidence. We at GREMPS act as the child's facilitator rather than only as the traditional friend, philosopher and guide. Our teachers are trained and oriented towards this end. Care is taken to sensitize the teacher so as to create sensitized and mature children in turn. Regular counselling of children and their parents is done during PTMs and whenever needed to ensure that everyone is on the same page as regards expectations and methodology. I am sure that those passing out from the portals of Guru Ramdas English Medium Public School shall contribute constructively and valuably in the nation's progress and development.

Promise: For Students

  • I shall be honest and truthful.
  • I shall respects all elders, love all equals and be kind to all.
  • I shall respect my school and my teachers.
  • I shall be punctual and diligent.
  • I shall be clean in thoughts, words and deeds.
  • I shall be kind to all animals also
  • I shall keep my mind on my books.
  • I shall do my own work myself.
  • I shall remain cheerful at all times.
  • Before work, I shall ask God's blessing; after work, I shall thank Him.




Curriculum & Board

School Motto

Parents - Teachers Meeting

Popular Classes


Physical Training


Yoga and Parade

Debate and Quiz

Classical Dance Dramatics

Creative Dance Classes

Admission Enquiry

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Guru Ramdas English Medium Public School strives to create an environment that encourages all round development in its pupils. The school curriculum provides opportunities for the child to achieve academic excellence, to cultivate an interest in the arts and to inculcate sound moral values.

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+91 91632 27333/ 90079 05227

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